How to choose the Right Planter for you space : Planting Guide Gallery by The Workshop

How to choose the Right Planter for you space : Planting Guide


Planting is a hobby, just like the others. People always know that which plant they wants to put on their space, but it is not easy to decide which kind of planter they should use.

Nowadays, FRP Planters are on the trend because of their versatality, sustainability and the level of aesthetics they carry. 

Here's a guide to choose the right planter for your indoor/outdoor spaces :

Pearl Planter 

If you're looking for a planter which looks awesome for any space either its outdoor or indoor, office or your home, Pearl Planter would be the best choice. This planter is available from tabletop size to the giant one for your garden. You can buy this planter from Gallery By The Workshop's Official Website or by directly clicking on the image. 

Adam Planter 

Adam Planter is one of the bestseller products available on Gallery By The Workshop. The best part about this FRP Planter is that it looks great on both the spaces either its outdoor or indoor. You can buy this product by Clicking on this link .

Swirl Planter

Swirl Planter is the one recommended for your indoor or balcony spaces. The best part about this planter is that this planter looks stunning and aesthetic, While carrying simplicity at the same time.


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